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Apex Agronomy is an affiliation of independent agronomists covering over 200,000 acres in East Anglia. Our network of agronomists are committed to delivering technical, strategic and sustainable advice to our farmer clients.

Each Apex Agronomist is a member of the Association of Independent Crop Consultants (AICC) and possesses BASIS and FACTS qualifications. Some members also have ICM and BASIS Soil and Water qualifications to provide more environmentally-focused advice.


In 2011, Apex Agronomy was founded with a clear objective to forge a distinct identity to gain access to prominent researchers, influencers and key organisations to improve our technical standing.

The Apex team is a diverse blend of age and experience which equips us to guide our clients through the ever-shifting challenges of volatile markets, unpredictable weather patterns, regulatory complexities, evolving policies and diverse farming systems.

We have the capability to provide our clients with the most up-to-date impartial technical advice across all aspects of crop production to help them maximise their returns by drawing from independent trials and information services, both in the UK and abroad.

Our clients’ needs are central to our business; we believe that Apex gives them the assurance that they will continue to benefit from the best technical information and advice available.


We go beyond the typical management of the day-to-day fertiliser and agrochemical inputs. Our services encompass tailored guidance on rotations, varieties, seed rates and dressings, cultivations and soil management, nutrient management, gross margin analysis and legislative requirements such as NVZ rules and regulations. Current advice on Environmental Stewardship, Cross Compliance and the Sustainable Farming Incentive is also available from within the group.

All members provide advice on all combinable crops and sugar beet. Expertise is also available on vining peas, maize, potatoes and various niche crops from within the group. We are also continually assessing the viability of novel and alternative crop options.

As individuals we all have specific strengths and interests which we can share across the group to provide a fully researched crop and environment advice package.


Our advice is evidence-based on sound independent data from reliable sources such as the AICC, ADAS, AHDB, Rothamsted and other independent organisations to ensure that our clients receive the best value possible for every pound they spend.

As an independent entity, unattached to input supply, our allegiance is solely to our clients’ best interests. In every scenario, we consistently advocate for the financially and technically most advantageous solutions, all with the primary aim of maximising profits.

One aspect of our role, which is increasingly relevant, is helping our clients navigate the raft of unproven claims in the agricultural press and on social media regarding various unregulated products and precision services.

Independent advice does not follow a pre-defined programme allowing the flexibility of product choice and usage rates in response to current in-field challenges. This approach allows our clients to source inputs cost-effectively either directly or through buying groups. We feel this is the most transparent way in which our clients can source their advice and inputs and contrasts directly with the 'bundled' business that many agrochemical distributors offer.


Increasingly, solutions to farmers’ needs are becoming less reliant on inputs with more focus on sustainable farming systems utilising diverse rotations, resistant varieties, cultural control methods, forecasting models, pest and disease monitoring, improving soil health, to name a few. As independent agronomists, this is something we have always done as resorting to applying plant protection products has always been seen as the final piece in the jigsaw puzzle, not the first.


Along with agronomy, we also provide advice and guidance on environmental issues, including the Sustainable Farming Incentive or Countryside Stewardship Schemes. Understanding the needs of our clients enables us to provide tailored advice on the best environmental options available to run alongside their primary cropping systems.